My Website Got Hacked. WP Engine Saved The Day.
There aren’t many companies that understand great customer service. The ones that do make up for all the other lousy ones. They are also the companies that stand the test of time.
WP Engine is one of those companies.
Great customer service is something that every smart business owner strives for. It’s something that I think about a lot.
An inactive website is not great customer service.
Recently, my website was hacked. I was using another web hosting provider.
Imagine my surprise when I awoke from a pleasant slumber to find my website down, and the words “Hacked by X Team Nigeria.”
Great. What happens next?
I contacted my developers and we got the website back up (after a couple of days.) You see, this hosting provider did not have automatic backups. They also did not have adequate security it appears.
Not only this – they took a DAY to respond to my query about the website being down. I no longer felt like numero uno.
This is where WP Engine came in to save the day. A friend of mine who I respect very highly recommended I switch hosting providers. Actually, he said something along the lines of:
“Dude, you’d be an idiot to use anything other than WP Engine.”
Humbled, I decided to give it a shot. What happened next reaffirmed my belief that great customer service is THE most important quality of a successful business.
Not only will I stay with WP Engine, I will also recommend WP Engine to my friends and professional network. Why? It’s simple:
- WP Engine got my website re-initialized on their servers quickly and painlessly when we had to transfer our database.
- The customer service response is almost instant. The representatives are kind, respectful, and helpful.
- They have advanced security so my website is safe.
- There are automatic backups, so just in case anything happens, my website is safe.
- Without changing a thing, my website speed increased by 20 percent.
I wish I had the screenshots to prove that last point. At any rate, I have nothing but good things to say. Let this be a lesson to other business owners!
There are some companies that stand the test of time. WP Engine is one of those companies.
Remember to treat your customers like gold. They may even write blog posts like this one just to tell the world how great you are.
Connor Ondriska is a young entrepreneur and writer. He is the founder of Jobly, the online job board and staffing agency. He is also currently writing a book called “Start-Up Staffing” which will feature interviews and case studies from top CEO’s detailing how to hire and retain employees in each stage of business development.
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