WP Engine GeoIP Plugin Now Available In WordPress.org Repository
Using WP Engine GeoIP just got easier. You can now access the GeoIP plugin in the WordPress.org plugin repository!
This step allows our customers who are using this plugin to more easily maintain it and keep things up to date. In addition, we have also added a very basic shortcode functionality that allows you to simply return a geolocation variable.
We launched WP Engine GeoIP in January. WP Engine GeoIP enables global brands to use a site visitor’s location to serve them relevant, targeted content based on their country, state, city, and even zipcode. This empowers brands, marketers, engineers, legal departments, and site owners to show site visitors pricing in their national currency, sites in their language, and share content that is most relevant based on geography.
It has been really exciting to see our customers leverage the functionality that GeoIP offers. Check out how Arnette Eyewear and Vincentius Apparel use WP Engine GeoIP to better serve their customers.
If you need to update your GeoIP plugin version, there are two ways to do it:
- Delete the outdated plugin and reinstall the updated plugin directly through your WP Admin Dashboard.
- Download the plugin files from this page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpengine-geoip/.
We are always seeking to improve our customer experience and offer additional features and uses for GeoIP. Keep an eye out for additional functionality in the future.
For more information on WP Engine GeoIP, download our ebook.
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