Is WordPress An Enterprise CMS?

WordPress as an enterprise CMS

As the most well-known and popularly-used Content Management System (CMS) available, there’s no doubt WordPress is an ideal enterprise CMS. WordPress itself has many features of an effective CMS, and its array of hosting options makes it even more possible to use WordPress for your enterprise needs.

One such hosting option is WP Engine’s Enterprise WordPress hosting plan. When used alongside WordPress, you can create a powerful and scalable network for your organization. This means your enterprise can continue to grow, and your provision will grow with it.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to the various features that makes WordPress the ideal enterprise CMS for your organization. Throughout, we’ll also share ways WP Engine can help you to even better serve your organization’s needs. Let’s get started!

Flexibility & Functionality

At current writing, 29.2% of websites run on WordPress, including The New Yorker, BBC America, and MTV News – a testament to the platform’s flexibility.

Additionally, WordPress is an open-source CMS. This further contributes to its flexibility and functionality, as anyone can contribute to the platform. It also introduces the possibility for a variety of different software to integrate with WordPress, which further expands its functionality.

In short, WordPress has flexibility and functionality in spades. Including eCommerce sites and even multisite networks, WordPress can practically do it all.

Enterprise Media Management

For an enterprise website, media management is an important aspect to consider. For example, organization documents, visual media such as photos and videos, and even audio need to be managed easily from whatever solution you choose.

Fortunately, you can upload (and manage) just about any media type with WordPress. Not only can you manage media on the back end, though. You can also display it easily on the front end, including in pages and posts using WordPress’ out of the box functionality.


Of course, an enterprise CMS must be fully secure. This ensures the protection of organization data, as well as user and consumer information.

WordPress lives up to these needs, and even exceeds them. With consistent updates and security releases, your WordPress site can be secured against the most common hacks. Additionally, the use of security plugins – such as Sucuri Security and iThemes Security – enables you to even further protect your site.

While WordPress automatically handles minor core updates major updates and server updates often need to be done manually. Choosing a managed WordPress host over a generic host can help reduce the technical workload and risk of error for an enterprise company.

Such plugins enable you to use a number of advanced security features, including multi-factor authentication and IP blocking. These enable you to head off security risks before they even pose a threat.


Your website is the point of contact between your organization and your audience. This makes it crucial that your site is available and active as often as possible.

While WordPress is a reliable solution, your host plays the most important role in your site’s uptime. With WP Engine’s enterprise solutions offering a 99.95% uptime guarantee, you can’t go wrong!

By choosing WP Engine, you can maximize your enterprise site’s availability. This is important if you want to ensure a positive User Experience (UX), while also boosting your site’s credibility.


As a well-known and popularly-used CMS, WordPress has plenty of support from millions of users, developers, and more.

Community Support

As we mentioned, WordPress websites make up 29.2% of the internet. This translates to more than 19.5 million websites overall. With this in mind, consider how large the WordPress community is!

With hundreds of websites dedicated to WordPress development and design, as well as forums and yearly conferences, there is plenty of support for the CMS.

In fact, WordCamp is a yearly conference that drew more than 3,500 visitors (in-person and online) in 2016 alone, with numbers expected to grow in the future.

There is absolutely no lack of support from other users, whether they’re beginners or professionals. This means it’s one of the most-supported CMS communities in the world.

Industry Support & Integration

Even further than user support, many major industry companies are leveraging WordPress’ popularity. These companies, including software providers and marketing services, are offering integrations and collaborations that benefit many users.

The most popular method of industry support and integration – and a feature that’s inherent to WordPress – is in the form of plugins. These are individuals pieces of software that work to expand WordPress’ core functionality.

In fact, these plugins are designed specifically for WordPress from companies such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, Buffer, and even Google Analytics. This enables you to effortlessly integrate these companies services with your website, which boosts UX and site flexibility.

WP Engine even has a few partnerships of its own. With enterprise WordPress hosting, you have access to Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and more.

Customer Support

Finally, WordPress users also have access to professional customer support. This isn’t provided by WordPress, though. Instead, it’s offered by your host or other such professional service.

For example, WP Engine offers some of the best customer support in the industry. This includes 24/7 live support, as well as plenty of documentation and tutorials. For our enterprise customers, we’re there every step of the way.

User Management

One of the main benefits of an enterprise-level CMS is the ability to run a network of subdomains. This is known as Multisite, and you can see it in action via the blogging platform, which runs entirely on the feature.

One major way WordPress supports multisite is with Super Admins. This is a user role that has the ability to setup the network, as well as control user permissions across multiple installations.

As Super Admin, the user can completely manage each site’s individual functionality. This enables you to protect your site – especially sensitive data – from falling into the wrong hands.

Low Cost

Perhaps one of the greatest things about WordPress is its low cost. In fact, WordPress itself is completely free to use, which contributes to its lower cost compared to expensive proprietary platforms.

What’s more, the widespread usage of WordPress leads to lower development costs all around. With so many WordPress experts on hand, support will always be cost-effective compared to other platforms.

International Capabilities

For true enterprise applications, it’s critical that your network is scalable on a global level. In other words, it must be able to effectively reach a global audience. As WordPress is available in over 100 languages, this CMS lets you to do just that.

Additionally, there are plenty of WordPress translation plugins that enable you to tailor your content for global visitors. With the switch of a button, readers from around the world can access the same content in whatever language they use, with seamless implementation.

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