It’s an exciting time for the WordPress community, especially if you’re a developer.

Just like the REST API modernized WordPress’ ability to interact and connect with external sites, the WP-CLI has made WordPress development workflows extremely simplified. As opposed to taking multiple steps, say to set up a child theme or update a plugin, with WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) you can complete a task in a single command.

Because of its capacity to speed up WordPress development significantly, the WP-CLI has become an official part of the WordPress open source project. The project, lead by Daniel Bachhuber, is a tremendous step forward for WordPress developers.

Here at WP Engine, we are excited to announce that we’ve become an official sponsor of this project and are also WP-CLI compatible. Many developers using WP Engine already manage their WordPress site from the command line. We believe the WP-CLI holds great opportunity for the future and are excited to see it continue to thrive.

Want to learn more about WP-CLI? See this article for some insightful tips from WordPress Developer Josh Pollock.